Thursday, 15 May 2014

Fill up the senses

The lovely Tony Head!
Firstly, congratulations to Penny, who won the copy of Dog-friendly Gardening signed by Tony Head, in the recent charity auction held by iheartwhippets. Paola does a wonderful job running twice yearly auctions with some truly luscious goodies up for grabs. This year's Spring auction raised in excess of £6,200 which will be divided between charities Scruples Whippet Rescue and The Greyhound Sanctuary  and Galgos del Sol.  Keep an eye out for the Christmas auction which will be held in November - you can find out more about it and sign up for updates HERE

Secondly, with garden centres currently stuffed to overflowing with all sorts of plants, a spell of good weather predicted, and another Bank Holiday coming up, now is the perfect time to plan a garden makeover with your dog in mind. Keep an eye out for the article on creating a sensory garden for your dog in the June issue of Your Dog magazine. Yes, I know it's still May, but it is on sale now - do grab a copy as it is full of great ideas about ways in which you can make your garden a more interesting place for your dog to spend time in. 
As well as using planting to sniff at, graze on, push through and hide in, there are some neat suggestions for landscape features you might like to include. Gardens are so often wasted spaces where dogs are concerned - an area for him to toilet in and maybe have a game of ball in - but with a little imagination and effort can be made into a far more satisfying environment for him. And as many rescue centres are finding out, it can help him in overcoming any stress issues he may have (or help prevent them arising) and allow him to indulge in doggy behaviours such as digging and denning. 

Click HERE for link

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